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【2024年國際事務人才職能培育與發展計畫輔導員及學員錄取名單公告】Announcement of Admission List for Mentors and Trainees of the 2024 International Affairs Talent Competency Development and Training Program

Online Date / 

恭喜所有錄取的輔導員及學員,歡迎致電本案承辦人02-8995-3041確認相關資訊,並加入本計畫之學員Line群組以免漏掉重要資訊喔! 期待20日下午在高雄見到大家。

Congratulations to all selected mentors and trainees! Please contact the project coordinator at 02-8995-3041 to confirm relevant details, and join the program's LINE group to avoid missing any important information. We look forward to seeing everyone in Kaohsiung on the afternoon of the 20th of December!